lic jeevan amar maturity calculator LIC New Jeevan Amar Calculator How will you pay the premium? Select Single (one-time), Regular (yearly), or Limited (fixed years). Select Premium Type (Select Premium Type)Single Premium (One-time payment)Regular Premium (Pay every year)Limited Premium (Pay for some years) How many years will you pay? Enter number of years (e.g., 5, 10) less than or equal to policy term. Policy duration (years) Enter how long you want the policy (e.g., 10, 20 years). Coverage amount (₹) Enter the amount you want insured (e.g., 1000000 for 10 lakhs). Death benefit type Choose if coverage stays same (Level) or increases over time (Increasing). Level (Fixed coverage)Increasing (Grows over time) Your age (years) Enter your current age (between 18 and 60). Your gender Select Male or Female for premium calculation. Choose genderMaleFemale Do you smoke? Select if you smoke or not; affects premium. Choose smoking statusNo, I don’t smokeYes, I smoke One-time premium (₹) Enter the amount you’ll pay once (e.g., 800000 for 8 lakhs). Calculate Reset See Also Other Tools, LIC Plan CalculatorCalculate Your Returns with the LIC Jeevan Shanti Plan CalculatorLIC Jeevan Akshay Calculator Secrets Revealed: Maximize Your Retirement in MinutesLIC New Pension Plus Plan No. 867: Calculator Everything You Need to Know + Free MaturityLIC SIIP Plan 852 Calculator: Calculate Returns & MaturityLIC Index Plus Calculator: Estimate Your Benefits TodayCalculate Your Returns with the Jeevan Saral Maturity Calculator – LIC Plan 165 GuideLIC Amritbaal Plan Calculator – Easy Premium & Maturity Tool